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2001-09-24 - 1:21

And this snake wearing a vest . . .

I think that this three-day absence is my longest Diaryland break in a while. I've definitely been in the pattern of writing. Since the Tool concert, though, I've felt very burnt out and not at all in a mindest for writing. It doesn't help that I do almost all of my writing late at night, and I've been crashing early lately.

It's odd. Usually, I'm slow to fall asleep and I almost never remember my dreams. In the past week, though, I've woken up in the middle of the night four times, usually in the midst of a weird dream. The best one that I remember had me back home, where I was wrestling a skunk. Seriously. Somehow I ended up holding it in a death grip, spinning in a 1080, and launching it off a cliff to see it explode on impact. Tell me that isn't bizarre.

So, anyway, yeah . . . bad sleeping patterns after several late nights early in the week, which has left me crashing by midnight the last few nights. I'm hoping that I'm back to normal now, although I did come to sometime last night, convinced that I had forgotten to take out the garbage . . . which actually goes out tonight.

Ehh. Not sure what all that is about. Perhaps I'm going crazy, as well as blind and bald?

Okay, catching up again . . . the Tool concert (the one that I mentioned before that whole skunk sidetrack) . . . I finally wrote my review for it. If you don't know the drill, Jambalaya is my home page, and my concert reviews are there. Alternatively, you can read it on the Tomes, which looks cleaner and allows comments (if you sign up for an account).

I'm quite satisfied with my review, so I won't try to rehash any of it here. I'll say again that I had a blast heading to Montreal and back with Greg, Kelly, Jen, Billy, and Dave. Great fun.

Let's see . . . since then, I think that I've just been up to my usual. I've put in some long hours at work and gotten together with people a few times; but nothing really noteworthy. The whole sleep-deprived, spaced-out vibe that I'm in lately isn't conducive to great excitement.

Okay, getting back to my usual topic: concerts, concerts. My Toronto concert plans continue to give me grief. In the words of Lydia Lunch, "It's just another fucked-up trip." First, I had plane tickets for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, who postponed their tour. Since I was also going to Bj�rk the next weekend, I (eventually) changed my plane tickets. Then I found out that the Bj�rk concert is pushed back from Sunday to Monday. After I booked my return flight for Monday morning. D'oh.

So, I'll have to change my tickets again. It's going to be the most expensive travel ever for a Toronto trip. Hopefully, Richard doesn't mind putting up with me for an extra day.

Despite the snags, though, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't psyched to see Bj�rk live. I'm just hoping that everything else goes according to plan.


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