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2001-09-25 - 1:05

Waiting for a bell in my head

One last Tool-related item to pass along, before moving on. While I was checking out the band's web site last week, to confirm that the concert was still on, I came across news of what could become the greatest movie ever made: Bikini Bandits Go To Hell, starring Maynard Keenan as the devil, Dee Dee Ramone as the Pope, Jello Biafra as a porn director, and Corey Feldman as himself. Need I say more?

I've been playing my guitars a fair amount these past few days, after a long period of inactivity. I've realized that I'm developing terribly slowly with my electric. It's so fun to crank up the gain and fumble my way through "Iron Man" . . . I should do more of it.

Of course, when I do go looking for tabs, I end up discovering something else by Will Oldham and falling back to my acoustic. At least it is something that I can play in the living room and still hang around people. Playing the electric is usually an exercise in shutting out the world . . . although that has its place, too.

I keep meaning to write some e-mails and get in touch with some people, but I'm as slack as ever in that department. Several people left some cool messages in my guestbook that I never replied to; but which I appreciated. It's always good to know that someone is with me on the sticker story. Although, it wasn't just the fact that she was behind the counter of a record store . . . she was also kinda cute. Heh.

Hell, I still haven't gotten around to writing Mandeep so we can swap our Canada Day pictures and it's almost October. Slack, slack. I think that I only have two friends who I actually manage to e-mail on a regular basis.

One of those friends, Richard, just let me know that it's no trouble to crash at his place during my now-extended Toronto trip. My pleasant discovery today is that the 8th is Thanksgiving, so I won't be missing any work by staying an extra day. Things seem to be coming together decently well for my Bj�rk trip, after all.

Work and guitar. I should be able to find more to do with my time, especially now that I finally finished playing the entire Baldur's Gate saga. But when you get home late from work and all your roommates are nonetheless gone, what choice do you have but to crank the stereo as loud as the neighbours will let you get away with (which, in my case, is quite loud)? At least by the time Rock!!!!! and Hallowed Ground were through, I had cleaned up the place a little bit.

Actually, that's a productive enough day, by my standards. I'll take it.


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