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2001-09-30 - 3:23

Gonna dance one-legged off in the rain

My predicted sleeping in worked out nicely: I didn't actually get out of bed today until 2:00 in the afternoon. I don't sleep in to extremes nearly as much as I used to, presumably because I don't push myself to such late nights anymore. Even still, when I do laze around past the crack of noon, it suits me fine.

I'd say that the calendar got it right this year. Since autumn rolled around, it has definitely gotten chillier around here. It hasn't really been shorts and T-shirt weather, lately. I took advantage of today's return to warmth, though, with some barbecuing.

I also gave me room a real cleaning for the first time in ages. Every so often, I have to sort the pile of CD cases that accumulates by my blaster and return them to the towers; but it's far less often that I vacuum and dust. I can now verify that my computer is being held up by an actual desk, not merely a collection of bank statements, packs of gum, and loose change. Much better.

Okay, admittedly, there is still a pile of CDs next to my blaster, but only because they are new discs that don't have a home in my towers yet. Shifting my collection to make room for new arrivals is a pain, especially when I buy something near the start of the alphabet. (I'm already scared that Mute is telling the truth about there being a new Barry Adamson release on the way this year.)

I found out that The Dears are playing Montreal two Fridays from now, which has me tempted. They've played Ottawa in the past, though, so I might hold out for a local show. Then again, you can never get too much of The Dears, can you? With the Cave concerts being rescheduled and a Rollins Band show looking doable, I may recapture the concert blitz that I had been hoping for.

Also on my usual topic of music, I found out during the drive to Montreal a couple of weeks ago that the song I'd been hearing that I thought was a band trying to sound like the Butthole Surfers is actually the Butthole Surfers trying to sound like the popular version of themselves. Sad. I gave Locust Abortion Technician a listen to remind myself of how cool they used to be. It was already disheartening to hear how the band screwed their old label, Touch & Go. Now I'm not sure if the new album will be the first Surfers release that I skip. However, the band does still have the honour of being responsible for my all-time favourite album title: Hairway to Steven.

Okay, not a lot was on the go today; but how much can you really ask from a man who gets up at 2:00 PM?


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