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2001-09-29 - 2:55

When I say dance . . .

Work went decently well today. The boss was away, so things were quieter. No complaints.

I spent most of the night at a pub with Greg, Kelly, and Don. Well, more of a pub with an identity crisis, really. It looks like a pub, but beyond a certain time, it degenerated into playing dance music. Fortunately, hanging out with Greg and company, as well as a bunch of people we met there, made up for the horrible dance vibe.

Did I ever mention that I find dance clubs to be the most depressing places on Earth? Brutal. I don't think that I have ever felt less in my element, less inclined to speak, than I have during the few times that I have been roped into entering some shitty dance club. The pre-Canada Day outing with Mandeep and company wasn't one that I could endure for long. At least it was the only instance in recent memory.

As I said, though, the company tonight definitely made up for it all and I had a good time. It's always fun to get together with that crew.

Maybe not quite as cool as catching Godspeed in Toronto, which was my original plan, but still not a bad night.


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