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2001-09-28 - 1:11

And no-one I was and so I remained

I want to write but I feel like I have nothing to write. I work, come home and do practically nothing every night. What bothers me is that it doesn't bother me. I feel uninspired to get anything done; but I don't feel the restlessness that I should have to get myself going again.

It's too bad that the Bad Seeds tour was postponed . . . I could've been gearing up for three concerts in four days, covering trips to Toronto and Montreal.

Instead, I'm just looking forward to making up for the week's usual accumulation of sleep dep. Which, come to think of it, could be mitigated by not writing nothing journal entries at 1:00 AM. Ah well.

One thing that I did enjoy tonight was hauling out the acoustic guitar late at night, while everyone else was gone (which is a rarity). "Grand Dark Feeling of Emptiness" remains my new favourite song to play. It sounds particularly nice echoing off the living room walls, with the lights out.

I had the electric out briefly, as well, trying my hand at some Bad Religion, after reading that their new album has been pushed back until February. (I'm easily influenced these days. I read something mentioning Repeater and gave that CD its first listen in ages last night, which left me psyched for the new Fugazi coming in October.)

As I said, little to write about tonight. Things are quiet lately.


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