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2001-11-01 - 0:50

Happy Hallowe'en, ladies

After really getting into Hallowe'en last year, this year was more subdued. In fact, I didn't even come up with a costume. I don't know how I would have topped last year's Misfits get-up. Also, when you work with three people who like you, there's no shock value in dressing up. Looking like a freak in an office campus of 5000 employees, most of whom are way too serious, was much better.

On the other hand, we did get prepared for the kids. Aaron carved a stylish jack-o'-lantern and we had funky lights, including the black light. Unfortunately, I overestimated demand by a fair margin. Last year, we had in excess of 150 kids, but this year we ended around 100. If you're in the area any time before New Year's and you have a craving for tiny bags of candy, I can hook you up.

I think what kept the numbers down this year was the snow. How odd is that? I don't remember there ever being snow for any Hallowe'en when I was a kid. Curse this city and its lack of a temperature-moderating ocean.

I took charge of handing out the treats, although it wasn't as fun without my Misfits make-up to scare the little kids. I did have one girl, who was a participant in the summer's watergun fights, ask me what happened to all my hair; but I didn't recognize any of my other former targets.

So, it wasn't a crazy Hallowe'en, by any standards; but it was fun chilling out with Aaron and Loralei, handing out candy with the Misfits playing in the background.


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