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2001-11-03 - 1:28

The unsinkable Sadruddin Mabaradad

I think that I'm living on borrowed time with this chair. It's gradually sinking lower as the days pass. One of these nights, I'll be forced to stand while detailing my latest exploits.

Of course, I don't really write entries very often anymore, do I? Not too much has been on the go; and I just haven't been in a mood for writing at my usual Diaryland time. I'd be tempted to say that I haven't written anything useful in ages, if not for the fact that Sylvia got something out of my Hallowe'en entry. Actually, her reaction made me more conscious of the fact that it was cool to have a cozy Hallowe'en at home. I still say that I should have tried to come up with a costume, though.

One thing that I forgot to mention was that we had a brief lunchtime reunion of former co-workers earlier in the week. Since practically everyone who was there has gone to one of three companies, all fairly close to each other, it's not as if we haven't seen each other reasonably often; but it's never a bad thing to get everyone together again.

It's good that everyone from the old group is doing well, considering how the high tech sector took such a hit. I'm so glad that I got out when I did. It wouldn't have been very fun being stuck at the old company while they slowly cut half of their employees over the course of the year. It wasn't a bad place to start working and they certainly treated me well; but I'm much happier where I am now.

I was probably more amused by the lunchtime conversation today, actually, since the four of us had a fun religious debate. There's an opportunity that you don't often have in a big company.

Oh, and happy birthday to you. Out of all the online journals that I read, this is the one whose author is the farthest removed from where I am in life (not to mention being the farthest away geographically). I find it an interesting read.

And so ends another non-entry. I'll admit it: I'm just treading water here for another week, when I have a Slayer concert on Saturday and an (International) Noise Conspiract show on Tuesday. (I guess it'll be one part "keep music evil" and one part "proletarians of the world, unite.")

We'll see if anything interesting shakes down between now and then or if I just sit on my ass and play DAoC.


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