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2001-11-10 - 1:15

Face the slayer

Today was particularly uneventful. Work wasn't very productive and I burned a good chunk of my night playing DAoC, despite the fact that I wasn't really into it.

Hauling out the electric for a while was a highlight, though. I'm trying to learn some heavier songs lately. I should at least be able to name power chords, instead of just thinking "the one where that finger is on the third fret," right? I've been playing some Misfits to further my studies.

Tonight's other highlight was listening to several Slayer CDs, in anticipation of tomorrow night's concert. I consider the band's latest release to be their best work since Seasons in the Abyss; and it's going to be amazing to experience Slayer in a club show. "Payback" live . . . what more do I have to say?

I'm looking forward to my first physical show in ages. I expect to stumble out of that concert very dead . . . hopefully, in time to catch the midnight bus home. If not, I guess I'll be killing time in Montreal until 7:00 AM. Fortunately, the bus station and the Metropolis are very close, so if it comes down to a sprint, I have some hope.

Thinking about the concert has me psyched again and out of the haze that I've been in for most of the night. I am still feeling dead tired, though, so I'm packing it in early.


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