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2001-11-22 - 1:46

This is a broadcast

Work is going very well lately. After feeling somewhat uninterested in what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks, it's cool that things are going well again. I'm actually looking forward to getting in tomorrow and trying something out.

I continue to find it difficult to get things done after work, though. I haven't even added Slayer or INC concert reviews to my web site yet. I did start straigtening out my room a bit and catching up on some e-mails; but I'm being very slow about getting things done. If I don't decide my Christmas travel plans soon, I'll have to admit that I deserve to get screwed on the price of my tickets.

While looking at The Dears web site today, I came across a link to a fan page, complete with a guestbook that is frequented by the band. Very cool. I couldn't help but wish that the site could be transformed into a community site, acting for Dears fans as Jennie's fondly remembered 50 Foot Queenie site did for PJ Harvey fans.

The Dears rank as the main point of interest on my radar lately. Their return to Ottawa on December 7 is something that I'm very much anticipating. Hopefully, a few people will be around to catch that concert with me.

The only other notable date between now and the Christmas holidays is the 15th, when I'll be attending the Devils-Sens game with Greg and Kelly. Unlike opening night, I didn't go for fifth row tickets; but that shouldn't hinder my enjoyment too much.


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