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2001-11-27 - 1:49

Mix Master, cut faster

Well, I could try to keep it a surprise; but then I wouldn't be able to write anything tonight. Besides, you warned me ahead of time. Yes, I am yet again talking to you . . . and I have your mix ready to go.

My main passtime tonight was getting that music mix ready. Picking out an album's worth of material from over 700 CDs is an exercise in precision; and, of course, getting the proper order is an art. My main problem, though, is that everytime that I try to decide on a song from a CD, I end up wanting to listen to the whole disc, which slows progress.

I think that the end result is rather solid. I've only made one quick, half-assed mix since the one that I gave to Jian. And, umm . . . I don't think that disc was the reason that she stopped talking to me. Heheh. Actually, I never saw her the same since I sent her a Dirty Three song and she laughed at it; but that's an entirely different musical relationship analysis.

Yeah, so not too much else is on the go. I meant to get a hold of the travel agent today to see what it will cost me to fly home for Christmas, but I guess that they close earlier than I had thought. I already have an offer from Greg to join him on his drive to Fredericton; but that would still leave me five hours from home. Unless the cost is ridiculous, I'd rather fly and have everything be simple. Ehh . . . we'll see. Hopefully, I'll straighten out my plans tomorrow.

Since Dark Age of Camelot isn't the addictive force that I thought it might be, I am finding time to take care of other business. I'd like to take a night and rearrange my home page a bit. I want to at least split up the concert reviews into separate pages. I've been holding off on adding my last two reviews until I change my format, so I should go ahead with that one soon.

So, no major excitement at the moment; but lots of little things to take care of, some of which are slowly being done.


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