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2002-04-09 - 1:37

Smash it up, yeah, when I'm down

After, hmm, several months of saying that I'd get around to making it, I sat down tonight to put together a second mix CD for Sylvia. I would have rather finished it in one sitting, to keep a consistent train of thought; but lack of sleep is catching up to me.

Of course, I tend to get distracted and listen to half of an album when I'm trying to pick out one song. And I think that I have an entirely different mix coming together in the back of my mind as I'm working on this one. Tomorrow, though, I'll probably polish off the one that I'm supposed to be making.

Does anyone else think that they missed the boat with the Spiderman movie? Clearly, the villain should have been the Rhino. An hour and a half of the Rhino grunting and smashing into a brick wall as Spidey jumps away at the last second, then shaking his head and repeating the cycle . . . that would have been gold. It never failed to entertain on the cartoon.

Okay, yes, I've already run out of things to say tonight; but today was rather standard (although picking out music did make me happy).


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