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2002-07-11 - 1:16

Ready to rip it up

So, while checking out the official Dears web site, I was surprised to discover a link to one of my concert reviews. Very cool. Okay, the link is currently slightly incorrect, and therefore broken, but that's an easy fix. Seeing that definitely made my day. It's cool to think that even a few people might have enjoyed checking out one of my many sprawling concert recaps.

Between that thought and the fact that I have the Rollins live CD playing, I'm really in the mood to catch a cool show again. There hasn't been anything on the go since Clouddead a month ago and I have nothing planned before the New York trip in August. That's a pretty slack stretch for the summer.

I'd really like to see Cornelius on his U.S. tour, although the timing isn't the best. In theory, I could aim for the Saturday show in Boston on August 10, although that would mean that I'd be going away two weekends in a row after moving into my house. I'm also less than keen on spending too much money in the near future, because of that aforementioned house purchase. So, I doubt that this one will come together.

I also miss my opportunity to see Beth Orton for a second time this summer, as she plays here the Saturday that I'm away. (That is to say, I saw her once and I'm missing a chance for number two; not that I missed two chances. I reread that sentence and realized that it was ambiguous.)

On the positive side, the two festival gigs in New York, Area 2 and Smokin' Grooves, should be a lot of fun. Then, Nashville Pussy is playing here two days after I get back from that trip and I have floor seats for Tool at the end of the month.

So, it's slack enough now to make me antsy; but it should be a fairly happening August.


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