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2002-07-16 - 0:01


Well, my pupils are back to normal size, as opposed to covering half of each eyeball, so I'm back on a computer. Yup, I had my eye examination today, including the dilating drops that took my eyes out of the action for the rest of the (rather bright) afternoon.

I didn't hear anything unexpected. I'm nearsighted in both eyes, particularly the left. It wasn't enough to require glasses; but it was my choice if I wanted to get them. In fact, I did, which is why I scheduled an appointment in the first place, so I picked out some frames and hope to have them in before the end of the week.

Work was interesting, with all seemingly resolved by the end of the day. Hopefully, everything stays on track for some time to come. I'm in a new and mildly uncomfortable state of needing stability, what with mortgage payments on the way, rather soon.

For those keeping track of my countdown, today marked exactly two weeks before I take over my house. I'm definitely looking forward to that. When I was coming back from the cottage, I was thinking how great it would be to be coming back to my house rather than this townhouse. It's not that I dislike it here, and the roomies are cool; but I'm getting eager to be out.

Just think, soon I'll be able to go away for a weekend and come home to a place that is just as clean as when I left it. Such a concept has been truly foreign to my reality. Heh.

And if I bitch about the mess now, think how much worse it would be if I could actually see! It's fortunate for all concerned that I'll be moving out shortly after getting glasses.


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