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2002-07-17 - 0:49

Dischord 129

With much-appreciated help from Kelly (driving, stylistic input, moral support), I now own something other than CDs. In one stop, I picked up a bed, kitchen table and chairs, couch, swivel chair, and coffee table. Whew.

That was a lot of kopins. I'm happy with what I picked up, though. I think that they are all things that I should be happy with for years to come.

I don't have too much left to buy before I'm settled into my house. I need a computer desk and chair, dishes, a TV stand, and a few little things, all of which can be picked up fairly easily. I also have some other items that I'm deliberately holding off on buying until I get a couple of paycheques into home ownership.

After shopping, I took Kelly out to supper to thank her for her help and chat about life. It still feels odd to me to have a serious conversation about houses and jobs and such adult-seeming concerns, let alone to be acting on them. Since when am I not a kid, anyway? How the hell am I picking out a couch and a kitchen table? Can I really be twenty-five?

I guess that it's not a bad thing, though--this whole adulthood concept, I mean. It's not as if I have bought into it fully; and I suspect that I never will. I think that I'm at an interesting point in my life, though.

I was thinking while I was at the cottage the other weekend that it's cool to be reaching an age at which people are settling down a bit. Compared to a few years back, when I was still in school and everyone was poised to go their separate ways, the group dynamic seems more stable.

Hell, maybe I'm wrong and everyone and everything is still as transitory as ever; but it doesn't feel that way now. I like the idea of Greg and Kelly getting a house next year and being here for many years to follow. I like the idea that I'll have a lot of fun times with the cool people I know here now. And I like the idea of making that house my own, which feels even more true after tonight.

The only downside is that I wish I could have made a home closer to where I grew up. Other than that, I'm very content with where I am, literally and figuratively.

Besides, I now have a swivel chair with armrests low enough to let me play guitar in it. Proper!


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