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2002-07-18 - 23:53

Probably misses his old glasses

I don't want to alarm you; but I recently came across some shocking information. Did you know that treetops end with individual leaves, not in indistinct, fuzzy green blobs? 'Tis shocking!

Yes, I got my glasses today. Wow . . . there's a whole focused world out there that I never new was eluding me. That revelation was definitely worth the investment of an afternoon appointment, especially since my health plan should cover the cost.

If you're curious, here's what I'm looking like with the spectacles. Not so bad, I'd say.

That's about it for my excitement today. I came home from work rather zonked. Since the landlord is showing the townhouse to someone tomorrow, I worked up the energy to clean the place; but that was the extent of my ambition.

Come to think of it, that was the last time that I'll have to put any serious cleaning effort into this townhouse, apart from tidying up my room after I split. That's not so bad.

I suppose that the effort amounts to false advertizing, at least if anyone moving in here thinks that the people who are remaining will keep the place that clean. Heheh. Ah, I should be nice and continue to resist the urge to speculate how this place will look two weeks after I'm gone.

Okay, I should stop staring at a monitor and return to basking in my newfound ability to see details more than four feet away.


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