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2002-07-23 - 0:37

Moving dub

I think that work is going to be rather busy for the remainder of this week; but I suppose that it's fair, since I'm taking next Tuesday and Friday off.

House insurance is as cheap as everyone told me that it was. I have to sign the paperwork for that tomorrow. After that, I think that the main paper that I have to sign for the house is a giant cheque . . . Well, giant in the sense that it will be containing a rather large number, not in the sense that it will be one of those oversized Publishers Clearinghouse deals. Although that might be a good bit, as well. It seems appropriate to me.

I keep comparing numbers and they seem to work out okay. What's in the bank, plus two paycheques, minus the aforementioned giant cheque, minus money for last week's furniture spree, minus the cost of the numerous small items that I still need for the house . . . that should take me through the end of August with my kneecaps intact. I'll be more relaxed when the fall rolls around and more is settled (and expenses become more regular).

Yeah, I've already warned you; but there won't be much on the go journal-wise for the immediate future besides rambling about the house. Hang in for another two weeks and I'll have some more concerts to write about.

In the meantime, go create some dub music.


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