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2002-09-27 - 2:19

But I'll tuck you in

Work quieted down to a reasonable pace, so I'm content. I was still zonked enough that I fell asleep last night immediately after supper, woke up around 11:30, and then stayed awake until three. Apparently, my body is fine with that pattern for at least one night, though, since it didn't bother me today.

The highlight of today's productivity was dismantling the plastic Sesame Street contraption that had been in a corner of my backyard since I moved in. A fair number of slugs and spiders were evicted; but sometimes, as a landlord, you have to apply tough love.

Tomorrow night is the Neko Case concert, which I am very much looking forward to. Then it's just one more week until I fly home, which I'm even more looking forward to.

Liam already picked me up my Cat Power ticket. The last time we saw a concert together was when I flew to San Fran to see Nick Cave, so it'll be cool to catch another show.

That's about the scoop for now: stress is dissipating and pre-concert excitement has me in a better mood. No complaints.


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