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2003-01-03 - 1:53


Seemingly, optimism got the better of me. I forgot that the boss is a nutjob, so I'm actually headed in to work tomorrow, after all. Ah well.

Am I supposed to say something about the changing of the years, while I'm here? 2002 was much the same as the others. Everything that is always good was still good, which mainly means lots of kick-ass concerts.

I was there for the recording of the latest Rollins Band live album, got elbowed in the eye by Angelo Moore of Fishbone (and had him hold the mic to me a few times), was perfectly front and centre for Beth Orton, befuddled Rob Crow of Pinback with a Simpsons quote, got to say hi to Doseone before the Clouddead concert, spoke to Neko Case after one of her shows, had Slug stage dive on me at Atmosphere. I also got to mix it up in various moshes for Ozzy, Bad Religion, Nashville Pussy, and Tool.

The New York double-concert trip was a blast. Dancing in the pouring rain as Moby took the stage, a lightning-accented sky providing the backdrop for "Extreme Ways," is a memory that lingers.

And, of course, the undisputed highlights were back-to-back concerts by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, in Toronto and Montreal: perfect performances from my favourite band.

It was also cool that I got to close out the concert year with Buck 65. Hell, even Cat Power's unfortunate flame-out was an experience.

Apart from that, the year was notable for the big move. If you can work yourself around the whole down payment dealie, buying a house is suprisingly easy; and I'm very happy to have made the move. Having my own space is a big plus; and being able to do things like inviting a crew over for Labour Day or New Year's is excellent.

The house purchase did cancel any exotic travel plans for the year, but I at least got to New York, Chicago, and Phoenix.

The other consistent positive is that there are still lots of cool people around here and lots on the go. When I fly back home now, I really only have one friend left in Halifax, so it's definitely great that there are so many people in this town who can put up with me.

So, apart from the house, it is as I said: what has been good, stayed good in the past year. The flip side is also true, though. My standard lack of a girl remained a fact, to which I alternately react with either depression, resignation, or indifference. (Currently, it's indifference.) At any rate, the situation has apparently yet to bother me enough to cause me to make any serious effort to change it. Ehh.

So, all in all, another year that matched expectations. I'm essentially an optimist, though, so meeting my expectations means that things mainly worked out and kicked ass, as I thought that they should.


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