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2003-01-18 - 1:20

Seems excessive

Is it just me or has everyone put their journals into sparse mode for winter hibernation? At any rate, you can always count on concert plans to give me something to write about, true?

As planned for a while, two weeks from now is the Toronto trip to catch another Rollins spoken word show, which should be excellent, as always. He also has some new spoken discs, currently available only on this tour, so that's an added bonus.

The first additional concert scoop is that Buck 65 is back in Ottawa the following Wednesday. He must be getting a bigger profile, because Canoe included him in their sampling of tour dates and Pollstar had the show listed very promptly, as well. After seeing Buck stop here three times in 2001, Ottawa wasn't included in his last tour, so it's cool to see him back.

The other definite plan is another trip to Toronto, on March 1, for Audioslave. I assume that I'll be bussing down for that one and crashing with Richard. I was late picking up that CD, so I don't have a good feel for it yet; but I expect an energetic performance and an aggressive crowd, so I'm already psyched.

The last tentative plan is that I would like to see Godspeed, also in Toronto; but the schedule isn't as ideal for that and I'd need to miss a day of work. I've been bitching for a while about the fact that there is no Montreal date on this tour; but I became even more annoyed tonight, when I looked at their web site and saw that they have a show in Moncton--a town whose population, as far as I know, comprises 14 guys and a herd of cows. Ehh . . . what're you gonna do?

Oh damn, it gets even more hectic. As of right now, Pollstar is showing The Roots playing Montreal the night before Rollins is in Toronto. Hmmm . . . every other show that I've seen at the Metropolis has ended early enough for me to catch the midnight bus back to Ottawa; so I should be able to squeeze in both, right? Their latest album is fierce.

Actually, catching Eyedea & Abilities with Living Legends is also an interesting thought; but I'll hold off on making that call.

Okay, I need to stop writing now.


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