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2003-02-05 - 0:25

You know the legendary

Okay, since I'm tired (damn you, work!), all you get is a quick update on new concert plans. (What do you mean, that's all I write, anyway?)

The main update is that exactly one week after the Dirty Three concert in Montreal, there is now an appearance by Yo La Tengo. By the middle of April, I'm not sure who will be number one on my list of bands that I need to someday see live.

For more good news, the Creative Differences tour (Living Legends, with Eyedea & Abilities) has added a stop in Ottawa. I was actually just mentioning to Colin on Saturday that I had been disappointed that the tour wasn't scheduled to come this way, especially after Atmosphere got such a great reaction; but all is right now.

I really enjoy the Eyedea CDs that I have; and, while I'm fairly ignorant about the Living Legends, I'm eager to hear what they can do. After the Atmosphere show, I picked up Murs Rules the World, which is great, and I've also heard a little from Aesop on various discs, so I at least have a little familiarity with the crew.

Sometime, I'll have to make up my mind on Godspeed's Toronto show. It would require taking a day off; but at the rate that things have been going at work, that doesn't seem like a bad idea right now. That show isn't until the end of March. I asked Richard to grab me a ticket and I'll decide sometime before then.

Buck 65 tomorrow!


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