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2003-04-27 - 2:45

Pickled eggs and a platypus

It has been difficult to find the time to update lately. Let's see. Work has been semi-stressful and quite busy. By the end of this week, though, everything will be resolved, hopefully in a good way.

Thursday night was the Buck 65/Julie Doiron gig at the NAC. Although I didn't end up having enough time to get together with people before the show, I did head downtown with Aaron, Loralei, and Colin; and Laurie met us there.

As always, it was a notably different concert experience for Buck. The venue was funky: tables and chairs everywhere, making for a cabaret feel. The performances were filmed by the CBC, so maybe they will see the light of day sometime.

That was my first time seeing Julie Doiron and I must say that she was delightful. Her between-song meanderings were hilarious, particularly considering that she started by saying that she wasn't going to talk during the show. ("Anyway.") I really enjoyed her playing and ended up picking up a CD.

Buck, as always, was stellar. He did a few songs solo and finished the night with the band. Unfortunately, the drummer was absent, which kept things a half-notch below Buck's December appearance at the Marquee. He was also noticably constrained for time, so it wasn't as full as a usual show.

Nonetheless, it was still a Buck 65 show, which means that it was an absolute blast. I love all the new songs. His next CD is going to be phenomenal.

Unfortunately, when I was saying hi to Buck after the concert, he told me that his collaboration with Dose is no more. Apparently, they had a full album finished; but it was only present on one hard drive, which crashed. So that's it, which is quite tragic, really. (I wonder if they tried a data recovery service.)

This weekend has already been rather busy. I got together with Laurie a couple of times, which included seeing another concert: Melon Galia. I had not heard of the band before a few days ago; but they turned out to be very good and I walked out with another CD.

I also got together with Nick and company for supper, which was cool, since he's moving to Florida this week. It's odd to think of him moving away for good. I guess we shouldn't have been so slack about getting together recently. Ehh . . . at least I'll have a floor to sleep on if I find myself in the right part of Florida.


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