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2003-07-09 - 2:11

And we sleep late

As if there was doubt about me catching August's Bj�rk concert in Montreal, I found out today that Bonnie "Prince" Billy is one of the openers. Oh yes.

Not too much is really on the go, of late. Lots of hanging out with Laurie, of course, which is always a good thing. Work is rolling along comfortably. Last week saw a bit of a customer panic--not on one of my projects, although it did lead to a few late nights. This week has had a more mellow start.

I actually do have plans lined up next weekend, as we're renting Catherine's cottage for the first time this year. (Well, "renting" is actually a misnomer, since the weekend is free in return for some work that we did helping them with the site last year.) That's always a good time. I'm really looking forward to the thoughts of getting in the lake for a swim.


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