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2003-07-15 - 0:59

Do you hear that?

I fear that the diary is deteriorating. Alas. On the other hand, life itself remains much improved, as of late.

Last weekend was the first cottage trip of the year. Not too shabby, I must say. Saturday was rather grey from start to finish; but I still managed to get in the lake for one quick dip, as I also did on Friday night and Sunday morning.

I assumed my usual role of firetender, since it's always fun to burn things. (We had to once again rebuild the fire pit that others were content to let fall into a sorry state.)

Given the lack of sunshine, it was a slightly less energetic weekend than on past trips. As I mentioned, I was only swimming briefly; and the canoe never made it into the water. Nonetheless, it was a great, relaxing time. Hanging out with that crew is always good for a lot of laughs--even during the philosophical campfire arguments.

Although I didn't repeat my observation from last year, when I saw a shooting star at the cottage, I can say that my previous wish has now been met; so, as usual, I have little cause for complaint.

Coming up soon is another camping type dealie, this time with Loralei and company. Should be more good times.


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