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2003-07-30 - 2:09

Flying grills

July 29 marked one year of home ownership . . . and the place is still standing. No complaints, I must say. Having people around who are willing to help me out with rides and whatnot is definitely part of the reason that it has been rather smooth sailing, so far, a fact for which I am appreciative.

The best commentary on making it to a year came from Jennie:

you should throw a barbecue to celebrate!
eh, a bbq PARTY, not throw the actual grill.
Meh . . . either way.

There may be some barbecueage coming up, since there is a long weekend on the horizon. First I'll see what we get up to on Saturday, though, since Nick will be making a return appearance from Florida.

Regardless of the plans, I'll just be looking forward to the break, since work has been super-busy.


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