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2003-07-29 - 1:17

What'cha gonna do without your ass?

Best news day ever:

  • August 27; Bonnie "Prince" Billy; Babylon
  • October 4; Yo La Tengo; Zaphod's

Aren't these acts way too big for these shows? Okay, Yo La apparently played Zaphod's in '94, but still . . . that's a tiny venue for such a legendary band. I'm told that the capacity for Zaphod's is only about two hundred and fifty people, so I'm thinking that I have a good chance of getting in my request: "Helpful Monkey Wallpapers Entire Home." Heheh. Well . . . maybe not.

As for Mr. Oldham of the many monikers, the plan is now to catch him on consecutive nights: Wednesday in Ottawa, then Thursday in Montreal with Bj�rk. That should prove to be a slight contrast.



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