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2003-07-28 - 0:17


So the semi-mellow work week turned super busy for the last two days. Meh. We also have visitors showing up tomorrow for a combination of our regular training session plus consultation on a project of theirs. Someone did a rather poor job of scheduling that meeting; but we'll plod through.

This weekend was a bit of a reversal, as I spent the time crashing at Laurie's place, rather than vice versa. 'Twas as good of a time as always, though. Saturday was a barbecue get-together with folks and today was her and I hanging out. We were even non-lazy today, heading out for a walk around the falls (with a stop for ice cream).

The loss of the canned Lollapalooza concert has been lessened, since it turns out that Queens of the Stone Age are playing the Metropolis (Montreal) in September. Screw Perry, I say!

And now I must sleep, since I have to leave significantly earlier than usual tomorrow.


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