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2003-08-15 - 10:22

I got the power

'Tis the perfect day: there is power at home; but none at work.

Actually, the interesting thing is that I had been putting on a crazy push at work to finish off a project, so I could have today off. Wednesday alone, I put in fifteen hours of work. Then yesterday afternoon, poof, and this morning the office is still down. Ah well. What can you do?

At any rate, the deadline was fairly arbitrary, anyway. The Friday cut-off was mainly intended to keep the boss happy. Also, considering that the customer for this project likely also lost power yesterday, I'm sure that they have greater concerns right now.

With that settled, it's off for the hunt camp this weekend with Aaron, Loralei, and company (which is the reason that I wanted today off). That should be a great time. Best of all, I'll be immune from power outages until I get back on Sunday.


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