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2003-10-31 - 1:48

Imported pineapples

Regrettably, this is the year that I abandoned my tried-and-true system of purchasing all of my Hallowe'en candy on the way home from work on the 31st. I've actually been stocked since Monday! And here I thought that my yearly custom had become an annual tradition. Alas!

Not only am I geared up candywise, I also have two carved pumpkins good to go (as a result of Laurie's prompting, of course). Fun stuff.

Tonight we caught the Just for Laughs tour at the NAC. That was a great time--the quality was consistently high.

I think that the best lines from the show evaporated from my brain when I got home, though, as I've been polishing off something for work for the last several hours. Sometimes I pause to wonder how the reasoning can go from, "Oh my god! Panic! Panic! Panic! This has to be done now!" to "Okay, woooah, now I think I'll wait two months before I want you to finish that project" to "Okay, it's back on again: go! go! go! It has to be done in three days!"

But the important thing is that I'm not bitter.


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