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2003-11-14 - 2:20

Never destroy us

Did I mention on here that Laurie and I actually crossed paths two years ago, albeit without being so bold as to speak? As it happened, we noticed each other posting on a Dears message board before the band played Zaphod's in 2001; and, although we each suspected that we had picked out the other in the crowd, neither said hello.

However, if you look in the guestbook, you'll note that she said of my concert exploits, "You look like you really enjoyed the show." The other day I asked her what she thought at the time and she said that she assumed I was drunk, since I was dancing away by myself, with nobody near me at the front of floor. Hmm . . .

All of which is to say that by being hobbled and unable to attend the latest performance by The Dears, Laurie may have saved herself some embarrassment, as I was once again flailing away tonight. You know, some people think that you can only headbang at metal shows; but that's a myth.

Before coming here to write this entry, I jotted down some notes that should help with my eventual review. I must say, the band kicked ass again. Having witnessed them seven times now, I am perhaps most interested in seeing the different wrinkles they add to the set; and tonight's show strayed far from past concerts.

Murray was the most notable innovator, from the tortured ending that he gave to "Who Are You" early in the set through to the lyrical switch and crowd walking that fell into the closer, "Pinned Together." You can always count on George to amp up the drumming compared to the studio renditions; but it is always interesting to see where he makes his changes. I also found that the new guitarist, Joseph, was a notable presence, adding a few guitar florishes throughout the night.

To sum up the evening, I can say that I saw a Dears concert without "Postcard from Purgatory" and I still felt that they had easily lived up to their past standards.

The only problem, though? The crowd, or lack thereof. The floor at Barrymore's was very sparse, which was a let-down. It's a mystery to me why Ottawa doesn't offer more support. I got to talk to Joseph for a few minutes after the show and he admitted that the poor turnout was disheartening for the band, although they still delivered what I consider a great set.

Oh, and I should also mention that I came home with the set list. Booya!

Pretty rockin', I must say. And it's the White Stripes in concert tomorrow . . . with the exact plans still tentative. I'm sure it'll all come together, though.


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