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2003-11-26 - 1:37


As a follow-up to my last entry, I must say that you haven't truly appreciated the beauty that is my giant inflatable Christmas Homer until you've come around the corner approaching my house at night. When the sun goes down, the light embedded inside Homer turns him into a bonafide beacon.

I think that Richard undersold the value of PJ Harvey's contibutions to the latest Desert Sessions CD, as well as the quality of the disc itself. Very rocking album.

Staying on the topic of music, it was a good news/bad news kind of day, as my regular news site had the two headlines "Durst hit in the face at show " and "M�tley Cr�e may reunite for tour." Life is all about tradeoffs.

Laurie and I went out for supper tonight to celebrate six months of going out. There is no question that I have been much happier since meeting Laurie, so yay!, us. We went to the Korea Garden, which was the site of (more or less) our first date. (Unless you want to count heading to Montreal to see the Dirty Three as a date; but we didn't really know each other well enough for that to qualify. It was a hell of a start, though.)

Anyway, that's the scoop for now. If you need me, turn left at the Homer lighthouse.


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