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2000-10-10 - 0:53

600 calorie cookies?

It was a quiet day here in the nation's capital. Too quiet, actually . . . I was fairly bored and lethargic this afternoon. I spent most of the day hanging out with Maneesh, Parag, and Scott; or just doing my own thing. Fortunately (?), I have borderline obsessive organizational tendencies that rise to the surface when I really have nothing better to do; and that usually takes up some time.

Of course, Maneesh provided some humour. I don't care how much butter he put in those cookies, they are not 600 calories a piece! Tasty, though. (Presumably better than eating icing sugar with a fork; but that's another story.) I also recently noted how many conversation with Maneesh and Parag end with one of the brothers using the phrase "but that's probably not a good idea" and laughing at whatever ridiculous train of thought they've been on . . . great fun.

I'm anticipating a busy time on this four-day work week. We're still in crunch time. I have no intentions of working next weekend, though, since Liam is showing up on Saturday and staying until the day after the Moby concert. It's going to be cool to see him again. We last got together when he flew here for the Rollins Band concert, which was probably the best time I had this year. (Well, it was certainly the best concert I saw, at least, with apologies to Einst�rzende Neubaten.)

In a way, I think that I still haven't gotten really psyched for either of the upcoming concerts (Moby and The Misfits). I guess that I've been too distracted by work. (Of course, that argument falls apart after I said that I did nothing today; but it applied before that.)

I definitely expect to have a great time at both concerts, though. I've been distracted lately; but I don't doubt that I'll be properly psyched come showtime.

Also on the concert front, I was told that I should automatically get a refund for the cancelled B-Boys/Rage tour. Hopefully, that works out, since I'd rather not be out the 200 bucks that the four tickets ran me. I'll see when I get my next credit card statement.

I'm still on the hunt for punk stength hair dye; but I think I might have found a source. I have to do something to kick it up a notch soon . . . I'm still freakier looking than most of the people around me; but the gap is narrowing, especially with Maneesh back in the fold (heheh).


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