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2000-10-16 - 10:26

Some bizarre

So, it's been a few days without an entry, which is unusual for me, lately. However, the drop in production has a good cause: my boy Liam is in town; so instead of playing around online, I've been hanging out with him.

Here's a quick recap of recent days. Friday, mercifully, was a crisis-free day at work. Saturday should have been cool; but things went slightly awry. I was supposed to hook up with Jian; but that didn't pan out. That's a bit of a disappointment, especially because it has been difficult to find time to get together lately. I'm sure we'll hook up soon, though.

Then on Saturday night, Liam was a couple of hours late arriving in town. All told, I spent a lot of time waiting around that day; but it was cool when he finally made it to the door.

It's always great to see Liam. We just pick up where we left off, with some interesting conversations and an exchange of music. When I think about it, it's pretty cool: the last time that Liam was in town, he brought Play with him and got me into Moby; now he's back so we can go to the Moby concert in Montreal.

Yesterday afternoon, we hit downtown Ottawa and picked up a few CDs. I picked up a few unusual discs (which I'm still getting through); and a truly bizarre video: Einst�rzende Neubauten's 1/2 Mensch. EN from 1985, 10 tracks, 6 of them live, some songs supported by strange dance numbers . . . what more need I say?

The video took me back to the concert; although the boys are definitely more refined now than they were in '85. I had to stifle a laugh when I started up the video, though, in anticipation of its room-clearing effect. At least I know how to freak people out now . . . bring them over to my place, show them Neubauten beating around shopping carts in an industrial wasteland in Tokyo, and say, "Yeah, I'm into this shit."

Although, it turns out that I may not need to resort to such measures. Maneesh went skydiving yesterday with a crew of students from work. The organizer turned out to be a guy who works near me and who knows me vaguely. When Maneesh mentioned that fact, at first the guy didn't know who he meant. Then, after recognition, his line was: "Oh yeah. That guy looks like he hates his job and can't wait to go home and get high everyday."

Ha! How funny is that? That line made my day, for sure ;)

Moby tomorrow, Misfits Thursday . . . life is good.


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