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2001-02-02 - 3:31

(Un)welcome probing

I took the Gender Test on The Spark, which confirmed that I am indeed male. That's good to know . . . with the long hair and all, sometimes I get confused.

As I mentioned, I had a job interview this morning; and it went very well. It's interesting to see the contrast. One company spent practically their whole time selling me on their ideas; whereas the guys today used the interview to ask me tons of questions about some particular projects that I worked on.

Surprisingly enough, I also have an interview lined up for tomorrow morning. (I'm really not trying for these interviews . . . blame other people who are looking out for me.) I think that this will be my last one, apart from this weekend's California trip. Three possibilities stand out (I think that tomorrow's interview will mean another strong option) and, most likely, next week will be decision time.

Considering the morning interviews that I've been having, I'm not sure why I've still been staying up until 3:00 AM. (The three hour time change going west won't mean a lot to me. Waking up at eight there equals waking up at eleven here, so I'll be all set.) Fortunately, though, I have one good friend who keeps similar hours; so I get the benefit of interesting late night conversation. That's always a bonus.

Okay, one more interview to go before the big trip . . . unemployed life is going well.


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