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2001-02-03 - 2:48


Another day, another job interview. This time I actually walked out with an offer, though. I can't complain too much about losing my job, when I'll end up with about a fifty per cent raise for going elsewhere. (And why did I used to say that I wasn't staying at the old job for the money?)

It's not a huge deal to me, though. Obviously, I'm happy with the idea of making more; but it's nothing that I spend much time thinking about. Finding a cool job that'll be enjoyable is more important. As I used to say in my casino-going days, it's only money. Of course, I'm lucky that my interests and skills will let me land a job that pays well and kicks ass.

And I expect to have such a job soon. Tomorrow is the start of my trip to San Francisco; and I'm really looking forward to meeting with the team there. Next week, I will likely make a decision on where to work; and this trip will probably determine that choice. I'm pretty excited.

Of course, I'm also really looking forward to seeing a few friends again, even if it is only a brief visit. I'm sure that it'll be a lot of fun. I'm less psyched for the eight hours of travel time tomorrow; but I packed three books for the trip, so I should be all set.

If you don't see any updates in the meantime, I'll be back Tuesday with news. And I'm pretty interested in figuring out what the news will be. I'll find out soon enough.


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