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2001-02-08 - 2:05

Revive alive

Today was essentially my recovery day, after the weekend's exercise in sleep deprivation. After ten hours of sleep (interrupted only by a phone call) and a fairly slow start to the day, I was feeling revived.

Not much is new and exciting. I did add my San Francisco pictures to my Jambalaya web site, so go look, if you're interested. At the very least, it's worth checking out the sea lions. Heh.

Apart from a little effort on the web site, today was enjoyably unproductive. Hopefully tomorrow, I'll get out to see the ice sculptures. Friday's forecast is calling for freezing rain changing to rain, with temperatures above freezing, so I shouldn't hold off on seeing them. I don't want to miss out again this year.

That's about it for now. A slack day, yes, but it was much needed.


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