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2001-02-09 - 2:32

Don't scare them too much

I'm very relieved that the Diaryland counter agrees that this is entry 180. I'd hate to find out that I missed updating a number sometime in June.

Today was pretty cool. After sleeping in again, I became productive. I took care of some banking and then took a run to the drug store. It was good to get outside again, back in some real weather, not that sissy California sunshine. Heh.

Oh yes, what was it that I picked up at the drug store? Another box of Super Blondissima and a bottle of Manic Panic dye. The colour this time? Green Envy. Oh yeah!

I said before that once I got a job, I was going to dye my hair, so here I go. (Yes, I plan to accept the job very shortly; but that's a topic for another entry.) As Dr. J said, "Do that after you meet them, man . . . don't scare them too much!" So, tomorrow should be my second dye job. Hopefully, Nick will be able to give me a hand brushing it in, since he has the day off.

Tonight was fun, since Aaron, Oak, and I made it downtown to check out the ice sculptures. This time last year, I was still in my inactive depression phase, so I didn't see the sculptures. I'm definitely glad that I went this time. I'll have some pictures up on my web site tomorrow, which I hope will convey the impressiveness of the work.

I have a few thoughts about work, partially brought on by a conversation with my friend Greg; but I'll save those ideas for another time. For now, it's all about green hair and ice.


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