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2001-02-19 - 2:12

Montreal smoked meat

Keeping late hours can get very boring when nobody else is awake to keep you company. Yeah, I know, that's kinda weak; I'm not as self-sufficient as I would like to be. I miss my standard late night conversation. A craving for routine . . . terrible.

The fun came earlier in the day . . . well, sort of. When I was younger, I was a huge hockey fan. I used to watch the Habs play practically every week on Hockey Night in Canada (I doubt that I'd miss more than two games a year), and I'd usually watch the Wednesday night game on TQS (a channel built around Canadiens hockey and porn, as far as I could tell).

(Playoff gambling was also the main supplement to my income in high school; but I'll save those details for my background story when I have to write about losing a paycheque in Vegas. Heh.)

When I was offered my first work term in Ottawa, the first thing that I did was look up the schedule to find out when the Habs were coming to town; and I caught a game on my second work term, too. Although I don't follow the game nearly as closely these days, it's still a big deal to catch a Candiens game live.

So, tonight, I was happy to get to see Montreal play again, this time watching from the sixth row. Sweet! Unfortunately, though, the boys didn't give me a lot to cheer about in a lacklustre 4-0 loss. Sad, sad, sad. It was still kinda fun to catch a game with two of the roomies; but ehhhhh.

On the plus side, just before the game, I did get my first random compliment on my Green Envy hair. It just turned out that the night went downhill from there.


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