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2001-03-10 - 5:15

Post-trip recovery

Let's see if I can get back into a writing mode. After trying to cover more than a week in my last entry, writing descriptions for the huge number of pictures that I added to my other site, and answering an unusually high number of e-mails, I haven't been in the mood to fire off another entry or a review of the Rollins gig.

In the week plus that I was away, I got e-mails from someone who was a co-op with us at work last summer and hasn't been heard from since, two relatives who have never written before, and another friend who hasn't written in ages. If I would've heard from Stefan, I really would have thought that something was up.

Even if I had been primed to write, not a lot is new since I got back. I think that Frankie is on his kick where he comes over all the time, which I enjoy more than the periods when I don't hear from him for weeks (or months) at a time. So, I've been playing mahjongg with him and the roomies lately, which is cool.

Sometime while I was in California, I made up my mind that I'm buying an electric guitar; but I haven't made it happen yet. I'm hoping that Flett will want to come along with me when I make a decision. I really don't know what I want yet; but I know that I've gotten my money's worth from the acoustic, so what the hell?

Oh, speaking of money, Sunday marks my official end from my old job, meaning that my two months of paycheques-as-usual is up and I get my lump sum severance. Proper.

Things are gearing up for the new job. I set Monday as my start date, although the office isn't ready yet, so I'll be working from home to start. I'd rather have the office ready; but on the plus side, they chose the location close to me. That means I'll be able to walk to work, which is excellent, since: (a) I don't drive, (b) I could use the exercise, and (c) it'll make it a lot easier to play with my schedule. As far as the last point goes, I'm definitely anticipating having to put in some extra hours, so having the office so close will really help.

I'm a little nervous about starting the new job, mostly because so much is unsettled. Since we're actually creating the Ottawa branch now, I'm not sure what to expect for the first couple of weeks. I'm confident that once everything settles down, though, it's going to be a very cool job.

Oh, I should also mention that my boy Liam, who was on the vacation with me, wrote up his take on the trip.


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