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2001-03-19 - 2:11


Yes, I did let entry number 200 pass without fanfare. I'm also closing in on one year of keeping this journal; and I'm happy that I have kept it up. By now, though, it's just understood that more often than not, I'll be on here at the end of the day. And you'll get to hear me moping about a girl (or about there not being a girl), getting ready to hit the road to see a smoking concert, analyzing my life philosophy, or (most likely of all) commenting that I like steak. Regrettably, today's entry falls in the last category.

Yesterday, I essentially kept to myself and stayed out of trouble. More guitar, a bit of reading, and an excessive amount of sleep. Some days, it's just best to stay out of the way.

Today was slightly more productive, and the focal point was a partially botched but reasonably salvaged attempt at our first barbecue of the season. Taking advantage of the sunny weather (it was no trouble to stand around in the backyard in a T-shirt), we shovelled our way to the barbecue, where I proceeded to blast up some steaks . . . right up until the flame sputtured, shortly after I flipped all of the steaks.

The always discouraging end of the propane tank was slighly worse tonight, since: (a) on a Sunday night, very few propane outlets are open; and (b) the tank was still frozen to the ground, anyway. After finally giving up, I finished the job indoors. Sacrilege, I know; but, all things considered, the steaks didn't turn out so badly. In any event, we'll be back at it soon enough, since spring is around the corner.

So that's it for now. I have some more reading to do for work this week, leading up to Friday's third flight to San Francisco. (Cave!)


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