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2001-03-21 - 3:10

You got the mail

I'm starting to get some plans together for my San Francisco trip. Of course, I really only have the weekend to fill, since I fly in Friday night and out Tuesday morning, with the Nick Cave concert Monday night. However, I have gotten a hold of Mandeep, and he and I will hook up sometime Sunday. That's cool, since I missed him during my vacation.

Unfortunately, it looks like Joe won't be around, so I won't be able to see if he's learned to play "Ring of Fire" yet. Next time.

Speaking of Cash, my latest shipment of CDs arrived today, and I'm still going through it. I finished off Cash's American Recordings trilogy, furthered my Will Oldham kick with some old Palace Brothers, and snagged Cat Power (Liam's influence) and Neil Young (Colin's influence). Oh, and I also got the latest release from Half Japanese, which isn't too crazy, but seems to be crazy enough. Very listenable. I'm content.

Other than that, the last couple of days, I've just been playing guitar and chilling out (well, and working, but who wants to talk about that?). As you may have noticed, I've touched up my layout slightly, reorganizing the bar on the left and adding more of the journals that I read to the list. Check 'em out.

I also got around to writing a formal review of the Henry Rollins Toronto show, which I put on my Jambalaya site and the Tomes; but if you read my journal entry from Saturday, you already got the scoop on that one.

Is it just me or is life a series of concerts and CD shipments? Just curious.


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