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2001-03-29 - 3:27

Your favourite band . . .

Well, I just finished writing my Nick Cave concert review. If you're at all interested, do read it; I think that it's one of the most well written reviews that I've ever scraped together. You can see it on my home page or on the Tomes.

Not too much was on the go today. I actually spent more time playing around with my web site, apart from writing the review. I didn't pull out anything exciting; but I cleaned up a few things.

Hey, while I was away, I had my entry added to OddGoogle. Cooool. It's all about human hair, baby!

Now I just need to cash in on the online store craze. Heh. I should ask Jennie if anybody ordered any of her stuff. I'd pick up a shirt, if not for the weirdness factor. Don't get me wrong: It's not that I don't want weird shirts (I do); it's that I think it would be weird ordering a shirt off someone who's a friend. I'll just stick to ordering porn DVDs from Joe and Tayze, instead. Heheheh.

Oh, speaking of shirts, my order arrived from The Onion. I absolutely had to have the T-shirt with the simple slogan "Your favorite band sucks." (It's funny, 'cause it's real.) I saw it a while ago; but I needed to place at least a fifty dollar order before they'd ship to Canada, so I held off. However, I found another shirt and a hat that I liked; and now I'm all set. Stick it to the man!

Part of the reason that everything is quiet here tonight is that Nick and Aaron went to Toronto for a Fatboy Slim concert, which wasn't really my thing. I imagine that they had a good time, though. It was also Aaron's birthday, so I kinda missed celebrating that with him. On the other hand, I'm the one who told him about the concert, and he probably wouldn't have heard about it otherwise, so I suppose that I made my contribution.


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