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2001-04-10 - 1:11

Ugly, useless, and overinflated

New Nick Cave album tomorrow . . . what more needs to be said? I haven't been anticipating an album this strongly since the last Neubauten release. Since I got back from my last trip, I've been making do by going to the official Nick Cave site and watching the video for "As I Sat Sadly By Her Side" over and over again.

What a powerful song (and a very complementary video, as well). The lyrics are a dialogue between a couple looking out a window, reflecting on the world. She explains the beauty she sees in nature and humanity, while he counters with a portrait of man's ugly selfishness. She then condemns his negativity as useless and eloquently tells him that he has missed the point. In the end, each has deeply affected the other.

I feel as if I need someone to give me the same message lately. I've been feeling down and out for the last few nights; and it serves no purpose. Tonight seems better, though. At any rate, I feel tired enough that I should be able to get a better night's sleep.

New Cave tomorrow . . .


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