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2001-04-16 - 3:16

Long weekend insomnia

Yes, it's been a long time without an entry. My schedule has been bizarre recently, even by my standards; and I haven't been enthusiastic about writing at night. Too many nights of going to bed after sunrise, waking up well after noon, and staying in bed reading a book until hunger forces me to rise.

On the plus side, though, it's a good book: the last of Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy. Very impressive. I'll probably finish it tomorrow night.

Let's see, what else is new? With some inspiration, I spent a good part of one afternoon watching short movies online. Heavy Metal Parking Lot is my greatest recommendation. Do a web search . . . it's on more than a few sites. Hell, two people on Diaryland count it among their five favourite movies.

I've been watching some of the hockey playoffs. I'm halfway surprised that I can still get into it; about the only games I watched in the regular season were the ones that I saw live. The playoffs still excite me, though, although not quite as much as the old days when: (a) the Habs were good, (b) I actually knew what I was talking about, and (c) I had money riding on every series.

I definitely took it very solitary on the long weekend, partly by design and partly because of my schedule. On the other hand, I did end up in a long Napster IM conversation with a guy in London tonight. I started getting Buck 65 tracks from him; and he pointed out some other Anticon material that he thought might interest me. I already have the Buck 65 CDs on order (I was just getting MP3s as a holdover); but the other artists (Sixtoo, Sole, Dose One) have me making plans for future acquisitions. But you've seen my CD collection, so you already guessed my plans, I'm sure.

Back to work tomorrow . . . well, working from home. That arrangement is somewhat frustrating. I hope that the office is ready soon. I feel like I'm not getting enough accomplished, but I also don't have the equipment to do hands-on work, and it's difficult to slog through here.

I'll just keep doing what I can through the week, before flying home for a weekend trip Friday evening. I have high hopes for The Dears in concert.


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