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2001-04-20 - 4:16

Es tanzt das zet-en-es

It's been a cool couple of days. Yesterday, I got together with the boss for a while. I finally got to see the new office. Even though it's not finished yet, it was still enough to get me psyched about the job again. It's going to be a cool summer with the three of us working there. I also timed my walk home: 14 minutes. Can't complain.

After checking out our place, we popped over to see the crew in the office next door. I didn't realize that so many of my old co-workers had ended up there. Very cool. It was fun to see everyone again, even if Catherine did make a lot of jokes at our expense. (No, we don't need their picnic table as our conference table. Although, considering that Dr. J timed our visit so he could use their conference room to take a call on his cell phone, maybe the joke was on them.)

In any event, it wasn't a bad day. Today was also good, since I got to pop outside for a bit and enjoy the sunshine. I spent a lot of that time cleaning up the recently thawed remnants of Maneesh's last backyard carnage. (Why was I getting annoyed back in December? Oh yes.) However, with UNKLE on the discman and nice weather, I didn't mind.

My schedule has been rather variable. I decided to finish the third Robin Hobb book the other night and I ended up staying awake until sunrise again. I think that I had two reasons for putting on that push to finish the story. For one, it was an excellent series and I couldn't wait to see how it ended. Also, though, I wanted to make room for the latest novel in Glen Cook's Black Company series.

Those are possibly my favourite books. The series is so old now, though, that 95% of the original characters are dead. I think that it'd be cool to compile a list of all the characters, which books they were in, and what their general story was. Maybe I'll get adventurous sometime and try that when I reread the whole series.

At least I have some reading material for my flight home tomorrow. That's going to be fun. As I said, I have high hopes for seeing The Dears in concert and it'll be cool to see the family again . . . as long as somebody is there to pick me up at the airport. I called my brother last night, and told him I was arriving on Flight 321 at 10:20. We talked for a few minutes, and he ended the conversation with, "Okay, Flight Ten-Two-One at 3:20 . . . see you then." Smartass.

I spent a bit of time tonight burning some CDs to take home for him. I also watched Einst�rzende Neubauten's 1/2 Mensch video again, when Colin popped in. That's fun to unleash on someone. By the time that they've settled down from the live songs (EN in a Tokyo junkyard) and think that they have a handle on everything, they get to the dance sequence on "Z.N.S." Heheh. Truly bizarre. Neubauten still ranks as my most unique concert experience; and it's a distinction that they are unlikely to lose.

After a couple of good days here, I'm definitely ready for one last day of work and a trip to the homeland.


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