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2001-04-18 - 3:52

One year

This entry marks one year that I've been keeping this journal; and I'm glad that I have. I looked back at some of my older writing tonight. Sometimes I think that I might have left my thoughts too vague; but I've certainly painted enough of the scene that I can read my entries and know where my head was at. Even with some ideas held back, the journal is serving that purpose.

Aside from simply forcing me to clarify my thoughts into a (hopefully) coherent form for future reference, I've also enjoyed connecting to a few people through the journal. The fact that it's an online journal has let it affect me in ways it wouldn't have if it was private writing.

It was a strange feeling when Sarah gave me my first feedback; but I've been happy to follow her journal ever since. It has also been interesting exchanging the odd word with Jennie about journal writing, since she inspired me to start.

I could come up with many more examples. Seeing a few friends start journals after me gave me a new perspective. Depending on the style of the writer, certain aspects of their personality can really come to the forefront. (Aspects good, bad, or ugly, actually . . . which almost makes me wonder how I come across.)

The connections can be odd, too. I recently discovered that the author of one journal I started reading late last year was the co-creator of a music site that I stumbled across in May.

So, after a year, I'd say that as much as I have enjoyed maintaining a record of my days and thoughts, I'm at least as happy with the side effects. I'm glad that a few people have checked out my writing; and I've gotten a lot out of being on the other side of the equation, adding many interesting writers to my reading list.

To put my point into one example, it's good to be able to read somebody else who says that Joey Ramone meant something to them, too.


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