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2001-04-30 - 1:21

End of another four

I'd say that the Diaryland banners make a difference. The banner that I created to match my new design went up this afternoon and I went from my usual dozen hits a day to over eighty.

If only I had something more to talk about other than sleeping in, sitting in the sunshine reading Soldiers Live, and generally taking it easy; but that was the kind of lazy Sunday that it was.

I took a few pictures of the place for Oak to take home with him, since he's leaving tomorrow. Even though I've been out of school since the beginning of 2000, I still notice the passage of school terms, since it always involves some roommate turnover.

The four months with Oak were cool. He was the fourth roommate, moving in with three people who were already friends, which I think I might be wary about; but we all got along well. Moving in after Maneesh's departure certainly allowed for a contrast in maturity.

Don't get me wrong: I had a lot of fun living with Maneesh. He was almost always good for a laugh; and who else would have joined me in dressing up as The Misfits for Hallowe'en? On the other hand, it's nice to have a roomie who won't leave a dead bird buried under the snow when he moves out. Maturity has its upside.

Oak was also cool to chat with, since he has a unique style with words. One of my favourites was a time when he was talking about a girl from school and described her hangers-on as "a cadre of undersexed goons."

The next four months should be interesting, although it'll be quieter around here until Aaron is finished his contract in Houston. I miss having him around, since he was the only other one here still awake late at night to talk to, although Jian is usually online to keep me company. At least we have some summer plans already forming, though. The July weekend plus in Toronto for Moby's Area: One and Ozzfest is going to be a blast.

So, barring the discovery of a Manseed style surprise, I'd say that the last term was cool; and I expect the summer months to be lots of fun.


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