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2001-06-15 - 2:02


I had to skip writing an entry last night, because I was too zonked out after an unusually early morning start and a day of energy-sapping heat. Three days of 30-degree-plus weather means that summer is certainly here. I don't find it nearly as stifling as it was two summers ago, since it is actually cooling off at night this time. I have no complaints about a blast of heat.

Yesterday was spent taking care of details for the office. Meeting the builders had Greg and I in before 8:30 and we also hooked up with the telephone and wiring guys later in the day. After doing some more work from Greg's place, we met up with Don for supper. I've barely seen Don since we were laid off from the old job, so it was cool to talk trash again.

Today was a more standard day of working from Greg's apartment. I've been really enjoying hanging out with Greg and Kelly. If Greg and I weren't good friends, the whole working-from-home-while-the-office-is-being-prepared deal could've been ugly. As it is, every day is a lot of fun.

Of course, my main fun should be starting tomorrow: my trip to Philly is already here! I'm still surprised that I'm actually going; I must be getting more spontaneous in my old age.

Wish me luck securing a ticket for Game 5. With the team's struggles, maybe demand will be lower and I'll find a better deal. As long as I make it inside, I'll be extremely happy.

I'm also looking forward to getting out in the city on Saturday. I won't be back at the journal until Sunday, but I should have a new batch of pictures for my home page when I do return.

I never expected that I'd be on my way to (hopefully) catch an NBA Finals game . . . life is good :)


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