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2001-06-22 - 1:01

Season opener

Things continue to come together well for the new office. I'd say that I did a solid job taking care of things while the boss was away.

Hours have been odd lately. Yesterday, we went in for 9:30 AM and didn't take off until 9:00 PM. It wasn't nonstop work in between, but that's still a long day. Actually, it was cool getting the wiring done. The two guys doing the work have a lot of hilarious stories, so it was fun hanging out with them. (This is why it wasn't nonstop work.) We ended up all heading out for supper afterwards.

Today was a shorter day, so the sun was still in full force when I got home. In fact, I celebrated the first day of summer by worming my way into another watergun fight. I wasn't as out of place as usual, since the kids were a little older this time. One of the girls was old enough to own a cell phone, anyway, if that means anything.

I'll have to make sure that Aaron starts joining in on the water wars--he's moving back tomorrow. With a few of us out there, it'd be a more interesting affair.

Obviously, I have no news today that can top my Misfits socks. I have a new potential plan for my week off in July. I want to hit B.C. sometime and I noticed that Fugazi is playing Victoria during the week that I'm off. Lately, though, I'm thinking that I'll be more inclined to just stick around Ottawa this time. We'll see.


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