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2001-06-28 - 1:26

Turtle crossing

Today was a good one at work. The delivery guys hadn't narrowed down their arrival time more specifically than a 9:00-to-5:00 window; but they ended up arriving around 10:30. That was a bonus, since I'm really stuck doing very little when I'm at the (unfinished) office, waiting for deliveries.

As it was, I wrapped up in time to head over to Greg's place with him, have lunch there, and cart some equipment from there into the office. (I should treat Greg and Kelly to a meal sometime to make up for my mooching.) We also hooked up with the boss in the afternoon. I like the way that we do things in this company. I enjoy being able to sit down, spend a little time hammering out what needs to be done, figuring out how to make it happen, and going at it. It's a great atmosphere (when the doctor isn't stressing out).

It looks like everything is set for Friday's lunchtime get-together of our old group (from our old company, I mean). It sounds like everyone will be available, although somebody still needs to decide on where to eat. I suspect that the somebody will have to be me. It's funny how that works, considering how much I used to hate taking charge of even little things like that. I've definitely gotten better in that regard.

I'll have to make sure that I have the camera ready when we get together. In the last couple of days, I took a bunch of pictures and I lent my camera to Greg for a night. Scanning through the new shots put me in the mood to go through my old pictures. The digital camera is definitely doing its job . . . those pictures reminded me of some cool times. I expect to have an opportunity to put the camera to good use on Canada Day.

Hopefully, the weather will hold out. It's been extremely hot lately. A lot of people complain about it; but I'm enjoying it. It feels like summer, at least. Admittedly, the heat has slowed me down some days, but I like getting out for a walk on a warm night, as I did tonight. Without hesitation, I'll take this summer over last year's rainy season.

I do miss the lake, though. Maybe I should fly home for a few days during my week off. Ehh . . . indecision. My current predicition is that I won't be going anywhere that week; but we'll see soon enough.


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