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2001-07-01 - 3:52

It's driving me nuts

The Canada Day weekend continues to roll along. Since I didn't get home until after 3:00, though, I'll keep today's entry short.

From the time that I left the house this morning until I got back, I was hanging out with Greg, Kelly, Don, Chris, and five more of Greg's friends who I hadn't met before. (A lot of people made the trip up from New Brunswick.) It was great meeting the crew and chilling out today.

We went out for lunch and hit downtown for a while this afternoon, before spending most of the rest of the night at Greg's. There was nothing too crazy on the go--a fair bit of drinking, some music, a couple of card games, and a lot of stories--but it added up to a fantastic time and a ton of laughs.

I find it interesting comparing tonight with last night, when I hooked up with Mandeep's friends. Mandeep is a great guy--I loved working with him and I was really happy to have met up with him a few times since we parted ways for new jobs. But with us, it's a friendship where we get along really well despite having a lot of differences in our personalities and lives. We definitely share a sense of humour; but we have different outlooks on life and different interests.

Of course, a lot of Mandeep's friends get along with him because they share those interests and outlooks that we don't have in common. So, when I met them all last night, I had more of a sense of standing apart. From what I could tell, a lot of them were very cool people and I definitely enjoyed talking with them; but it's naturally hard to make a real connection.

Greg and I, on the other hand, get along because we have such similar personalities and opinions on life. That common ground extends very much to his friends, which made it effortless for me to get along with them. After a few jokes, everyone already felt like a friend, which is a very cool vibe. (I'll just assume that none of them thought that I was a dink. Heh.)

Since it's almost 4:00, I'll stick by my promise to keep this entry short. I'll just say that I had a great time with everyone tonight and I'm psyched for Canada Day.


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